On the 8th March we were joined by local Naturopath Gabby Scott in a workshop to tackle the big ‘D’ or Detoxing. Gabby’s very common sense approach to health really resonated with us and especially her assurances that detoxing should NOT be about suffering and crisis but more about nourishment and respect of our truly incredible (and constantly detoxing) bodies.

We feasted on body friendly treats and have all fallen in love with broth! Broth Broth Broth – it’s easy, it’s versatile, it’s so so good for you. Below is Gabby’s simple Broth recipe. It’s important to use bones from organic, pastured animals. With winter approaching what better time to start incorporating Broth into your daily life.

Bone Broth


2 x chicken frames (carcass), 500g chicken necks/wings, 1 pigs trotter (for extra gelling).

1 onion, 1 carrot, 2 celery stalks, 4 stalks parsley, 6 black peppercorns, 2 bay leaves.

2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar



  1. Coarsely chop vegetables and add them to a slow cooker with the herbs and spices.
  2. Add vinegar, chicken bones etc, and top with water.
  3. Cook for 12 hours.
  4. Strain and discard all solids.
  5. Refrigerate the broth. Skim the fat off the top if you struggle with fat digestion.

Recipe courtesy of Gabby Scott – Sunshine House of Wellness at Belli Park. For specific health advice we encourage you to make an appointment with Gabby directly. She does live blood analysis plus considers your whole of life health.

Gabby is also the brains behind the gorgeous PePo skincare range we stock (and use!) at The Kandanga Farm Store. You can find Gabby on Facebook and Instagram under Sunshine House of Wellness.