WEEDS & what they’ll tell you

Kandanga Farm Store 93 Main St, Kandanga, QLD, Australia

Don't shoot the messenger Peeps! Weeds can tell us a lot about soil nutrient deficiencies as well as the impact of our management decisions. Join us for morning tea by Kandanga Kitchen and a very informative talk and walk with local agronomist Matthew Fea. WARNING: You may not ever look at weeds the same again! [...]

Weeding for Pleasure!

Kandanga Farm Store 93 Main St, Kandanga, QLD, Australia

Weeding..... Pleasure.....What the??! Come and find out how quality tools plus correct technique can transform weeding from a chore to an art. Join us and Daniela from Dewit and get your hands on beautifully crafted hand tools - it just may change the way you think about weeds. Come early for breakfast or stay late for lunch (or both - why not!!) at Kandanga Kitchen. Cost is $5 per person - pay on the day.


Certificate III in Production Horticulture

Kandanga Farm 93 Main Street, Kandanga, Queensland, Australia

20 week Certificate Course brought to you by Core Industry Training and delivered by Stephanie Chadwick of Horticulture Training Services. Beginning of Tuesday 30th january and continuing every Tuesday till the 5th June. Registrations essential - please contact Steph for more info  0479 063 001

Certificate III in Production Horticulture Session 2

20 week Certificate Course brought to you by Core Industry Training and delivered by Stephanie Chadwick of Horticulture Training Services. Beginning of Tuesday 30th January and continuing every Tuesday till the 5th June. Registrations essential - please contact Steph for more info 0479 063 001

Certificate III in Production Horticulture Session 4

Kandanga Farm 93 Main Street, Kandanga, Queensland, Australia

20 week Certificate Course brought to you by Core Industry Training and delivered by Stephanie Chadwick of Horticulture Training Services. Beginning of Tuesday 30th January and continuing every Tuesday till the 5th June. Registrations essential - please contact Steph for more info 0479 063 001

Mighty Minerals with Colin from Earthlife

Kandanga Farm Store 93 Main St, Kandanga, QLD, Australia

Join us for morning tea and a lively discussion with Colin from Earthlife - all about minerals - why your soil needs them and the difference they will make to the quality of plants you are growing. For the last 20 years Earthlife has been researching and developing their Rock Mineral range of products. Earthlife's [...]


Certificate III in Production Horticulture

Kandanga Farm 93 Main Street, Kandanga, Queensland, Australia

20 week Certificate Course brought to you by Core Industry Training and delivered by Stephanie Chadwick of Horticulture Training Services. Beginning of Tuesday 30th January and continuing every Tuesday till the 5th June. Registrations essential - please contact Steph for more info 0479 063 001

Certificate III in Production Horticulture

Kandanga Farm 93 Main Street, Kandanga, Queensland, Australia

20 week Certificate Course brought to you by Core Industry Training and delivered by Stephanie Chadwick of Horticulture Training Services. Beginning of Tuesday 30th January and continuing every Tuesday till the 5th June. Registrations essential - please contact Steph for more info 0479 063 001

Cooking with Bush Foods

Kandanga Farm Store 93 Main St, Kandanga, QLD, Australia

Bunya nuts, pepper berries, lilly pillys, myrtles……. Does this list fill you with excitement at the thought of potential recipes or, is it more of a mind blank? There is no reason why we can’t incorporate bush foods in to our lives everyday – they certainly have wonderful health benefits as well as unique flavours. [...]

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