The Whole Sheep – From Farm to Fork

Kandanga Farm Store 93 Main St, Kandanga, QLD, Australia

If we are going to eat meat we need to be grateful for the entire animal and that means we need to know what to do with every bit. This full day workshop will teach you how.


Certificate III in Production Horticulture

Kandanga Farm 93 Main Street, Kandanga, Queensland, Australia

20 week Certificate Course brought to you by Core Industry Training and delivered by Stephanie Chadwick of Horticulture Training Services. Beginning of Tuesday 30th January and continuing every Tuesday till the 5th June. Registrations essential - please contact Steph for more info 0479 063

Understanding Farm Hydrology – with Stuart Andrews

Kandanga Farm 93 Main Street, Kandanga, Queensland, Australia

Stuart Andrews is a farmer who has dedicated over 30 years of his life to understanding, practicing and teaching land rehabilitation techniques. Stuart was raised on the 1500 acre property “Tarwyn Park”, Bylong, the celebrated home of Natural Sequence Farming (NSF), pioneered by his father Peter Andrews. In this workshop you will: Look at landscape [...]


Natural Skincare with Gabby Scott of PePo

Kandanga Farm Store 93 Main St, Kandanga, QLD, Australia

Have you ever wondered exactly what the difference is between some of your favourite skincare products? What makes a balm different from a lotion or a body butter? How do you choose oils to combine to make bath oils or body oils? What’s involved in making these products from scratch? Gabby Scott is a naturopath, [...]


Kandanga Farm Producers Showcase Lunch

Kandanga Farm 93 Main Street, Kandanga, Queensland, Australia

Join us Sunday July 8th to taste the best in local produce - a true farm to fork experience!


Kandanga Farm Tours

Kandanga Farm 93 Main Street, Kandanga, Queensland, Australia

Ever wanted to get up close and personal with farm animals and/or farmers? Thursday to Sunday is your chance! Join Tim from Kandanga Farm in the 6 seater ATV for a guided tour around Kandanga Farm - see regenerative farming in action, talk about the process of becoming Certified (Organic that is!), maybe join in [...]


Pot Luck Luncheon 2018

Kandanga Farm 93 Main Street, Kandanga, Queensland, Australia

Each year Kandanga Farm Store runs a “Producer Pot Luck Lunch” designed to help local farmers connect with potential markets and agribusiness facilitators. This is not a general public event but INVITATION ONLY. Last year over 100 tourism providers, media, chefs, café owners, agribusiness support industry workers and government attended with a large amount of [...]

Spring into Summer

The change of seasons is a traditional time to Spring clean, both our environment and our bodies.  Join Naturopath Gabby Scott for tips and simple guidelines around how to ease in to the warmer months, looking at seasonal foods as well as plants and herbs to use at home.



Kandanga Farm Store 93 Main St, Kandanga, QLD, Australia

Come and join Tania Gahler, pottery teacher, on the grass at Kandanga Kitchen for a pinch pot and clay workshop. Only $15pp get a taste of working with clay while looking out at Kandanga Farm. You'll take your creation home and we will be able to arrange firing also. Bookings essential by Wed 17 Oct [...]

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