Secrets to Low Maintenance Gardening

Kandanga Farm Store 93 Main St, Kandanga, QLD, Australia

Come and spend a morning with us and Colin Johnson and talk all things gardening. Order yourself a delicious morning tea/brunch/lunch (whatever!) from Kandanga Kitchen and then learn the secrets to low maintenance gardening. Colin Johnson (Dip. Hort) is a fanatical plant collector and professional horticulturist with 20 years experience in the Nursery and Garden [...]

Guerilla Gardening with Red Soil Organics

Kandanga Farm Store 93 Main St, Kandanga, QLD, Australia

We are so excited to host Kane Dabbouss from Red Soil Organics for a workshop that will show you how to take a patch of grass and turn it into a productive no-till food garden. Learn how to hijack existing soil biology to kick start your healthy bio-dynamic garden without disturbing the soil life. With [...]

Regenerative Bio-dynamic Agroforestry

Kandanga Farm Store 93 Main St, Kandanga, QLD, Australia

Come and join Kane from Red Soil organics for an informative and fun morning in the garden



Kandanga Farm Store 93 Main St, Kandanga, QLD, Australia

Learn how to make hot compost.



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