Natural Skincare with Gabby Scott of PePo

Kandanga Farm Store 93 Main St, Kandanga, QLD, Australia

Have you ever wondered exactly what the difference is between some of your favourite skincare products? What makes a balm different from a lotion or a body butter? How do you choose oils to combine to make bath oils or body oils? What’s involved in making these products from scratch? Gabby Scott is a naturopath, [...]


Natural Perfumes for You & Your Home

Kandanga Farm Store 93 Main St, Kandanga, QLD, Australia

Perfume - once made from natural oils, flowers and herbs but now big business - walk in any department store and be bombarded with synthetic scents and expensive potions. It's about time we got back to basics and let nature guide us to subtler, richer fragrances to live with and express our selves. Join us [...]



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