We are so lucky to live in this area. There are so many parts of Australia that are 1 trick ponies – beef areas, wine regions, wheat belts. But in the Mary Valley with our fertile soils and climate so many things can be produced here – proteins, vegetables, fruits, nuts. It is entirely feasible to eat entirely locally and seasonally in the Mary Valley and that makes this region pretty special and something to be proud of.

May is our favourite time of year in the Mary Valley; the temperature is great, there’s still a bit of green grass around, animals are fat and many of the crops planted in late summer are ready for harvest. Its why May can be GourMAY – a celebration of the food and food producers of the Mary Valley.

GourMAY is a great chance  to discover the food and food producers of the Mary Valley and hopefully develop relationships that can start bypassing the centralization of food sourcing and supermarkets and show you how to access fresh, seasonal produce. Can you imagine that world?


We hosted a couple of events – A bush foods long lunch with local Chef Peter Wolfe who is a champion of foraging, nose to tail eating and bush tucker. It was a bit of a dreary day but no minded as they tucked into four courses of multiple dishes celebrating local and indigenous ingredients. It was long table dining in a grass roots, relaxed environment where community came together over good food with heart and provenance and it was wonderful for us to create this event and see new connections being formed. We were also thrilled to welcome Shane from Wild Barrel –  a new Mary Valley business brewing wild ferment beer.






And then on the 18th May we held a Tour, Tempranillo and Tapas. The afternoon began with a farm tour of Kandanga Farm with Tim and his rather dry sense of humour!

He gave attendees a warts and all in-depth look at certified organic beef production (K2 Beef) and landscape management.








After that guests heard from local wine grower Damien from Windrush Estate – Damien spoke about his passion project growing Tempranillo grapes in the Valley and all that goes into turning those grapes into divine bottles of wine.







And then renowned chef and local food advocate Matt Golinski treated everyone to a Tapas menu of entirely local produce (featuring K2 Organic Beef of course!) Matt took the time to come and explain the menu to everyone – each dish with its story and the provenance of all the ingredients.





Some of our many local food producers 










GourMAY is the wonderful initiative of Malcolm and the GourMAY team from Mary Valley Chamber of Commerce. Check out https://www.gourmaymaryvalley.com.au/ for more information.